Contrary to popular belief, employers impact their employees’ wellbeing in more ways than just job responsibilities. The environment matters just as much as the role. But pool tables, free snacks and gym memberships are only going to get you so far. Cleaning and maintaining the office space, however, is a perk that any office employee will appreciate.

To illustrate this, here are 10 ways a clean and maintained office space contributes to employee safety and happiness.

1. Enhanced Productivity

The less clutter your office space has, the more focus there will be. When the workspace is clean and organized, employees aren’t distracted by messes or dirt. It also takes less time to find documents or supplies, allowing employees to work more efficiently. Ensuring your office is meticulously cleaned, meanwhile, creates an environment conducive to high productivity levels.

2. Improved Employee Health

A clean office is a healthy office. Regular cleaning helps eliminate dust, allergens and germs that cause illnesses. This is especially important in high-traffic areas where bacteria and viruses can easily spread. If you invest in professional cleaning services, you’re reducing the risk of sick days among employees, leading to fewer disruptions and better ROI than you might think.

3. Positive First Impressions

The appearance of your office space speaks volumes about your company. A clean and well-maintained office creates a positive first impression on clients, visitors and potential business partners. It also reflects professionalism and attention to detail, which plays a big part in business relationships. After all, you always want to present yourself in the best light possible.

4. Increased Employee Morale

Employees feel more valued and motivated when they work in a clean and comfortable environment. It shows that you care about them and their day-to-day tasks. A tidy workspace leads to boosted morale, which leads to higher job satisfaction and higher retention rates as a result. There’s also a sense of pride and belonging, as employees feel more connected to their employers. If you’ve been looking for ways to motivate your employees, this is one way to do just that.

5. Enhanced Safety

Hazards like spills, loose wires or cluttered walkways can be a safety issue. But regular cleaning and maintenance identifies and addresses these hazards. By maintaining a clean and organized workspace, you ensure the safety of employees and visitors alike. This is why it’s important to hire a commercial cleaner that has strict cleaning and safety protocols. You never know when you might have a health or safety inspection, so always be ready.

6. Better Air Quality

Dust, mold and other pollutants can accumulate in office spaces, leading to respiratory issues and allergic reactions, just to name a couple of the potential consequences. When you are committed to regular dusting, vacuuming and air purification, however, it improves indoor air quality, ensuring the air in your office is clean and fresh. This is yet another contributing factor to the comfort level of your employees as well.

7. Prolonged Office Equipment Life

Dirt, dust and grime can damage office equipment over time, leading to costly repairs and replacements. But regular cleaning and maintenance protects these technology and furniture investments. By pursuing specialized cleaning services that ensure your equipment is cleaned and maintained regularly, you are doing your best to ensure that it remains in top condition so you can save money in the long run.

8. Increased Professionalism

Similar to the benefits that cleanings provide for first impressions, a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule can help you maintain a professional appearance with employees and existing customers. When you have a well-maintained and pristine environment, it boosts the level of your perceived professionalism, enhancing your company’s reputation and credibility—which could attract more business opportunities as a result.

9. Reduced Stress

Clutter and mess can contribute to stress and anxiety among employees, especially if their workspace is unorganized and chaotic. A clean and organized workspace, on the other hand, promotes a sense of calm and order, reducing stress levels and creating a more pleasant working environment. Investing in regular cleaning services from a company like Fernic Building Solutions will help your employees stay focused, relaxed and in an overall better mental place.

10. Better Organization

An orderly office space leads to better organizational efficiency. When everything is clean and in its place, employees can easily find what they need. This leads to smoother workflows and reduced disruptions or downtime spent looking for certain documents, items or equipment. This is partly why a cleaning schedule is recommended, even if your office doesn’t seem to get dirty quickly in your eyes.

These are just a few benefits of a clean and maintained office space. To see how Fernic Building Solutions’ commercial cleaning services can promote a more enjoyable environment at your office, contact us today for a no-obligation quote or consultation.