A new school year is a fresh start. It’s an opportunity to make new friends. It’s a time when students advance to the next grade and get ready for months of learning and development. It should be exciting… but not if the environment is dirty and unwelcoming.

The time for giving your school a proper deep clean isn’t a week or two before students start to walk the halls, however. Rather, it’s during the summer, when traffic is at a minimum and there will be fewer disruptions to your students’ and teachers’ days. 

If you’re ready to get your facilities cleaner and safer for your students, today’s post is for you. Review this school fall maintenance checklist for some ways a commercial janitorial company like Fernic Building Solutions can help, whether you’re a leader at an elementary school, high school or college.

1. Exterior Maintenance 

Not only is the outside of a school building the first thing students and staff see, it’s also the first thing parents see, which can be especially important for universities and colleges. Keeping the exterior clean and well-maintained is essential for creating a positive first impression and ensuring the safety of everyone. Some area of exterior maintenance to focus on include:

  • Roofs and gutters: leaves and debris can clog gutters and lead to water damage, so inspecting and cleaning gutters is crucial for preventing these issues. Also, check roofs for damaged or missing shingles and other signs of needed repairs.
  • Landscaping: rake leaves, trim trees and shrubs and inspect playground equipment to ensure no one is at risk from slips, falling branches or faulty equipment.
  • Walkways and parking lots: Cracks in walking paths in parking lots can be a safety issue as well and get worse if water infiltrates them. Sweeping and cleaning these surfaces will also keep them welcoming.

2. Interior Maintenance 

To foster a healthy and conducive learning environment, the interior of the school requires thorough cleaning and inspection as well. Some of the most common interior maintenance areas to focus on include: 

  • Floors: a professional cleaning service like Fernic can perform this thoroughly, but make sure you remove dirt, allergens and stains from carpets, as well as strip and wax floors while inspecting for hazards like loose tiles or floorboards.
  • Windows and doors: Wash windows inside and out to maximize natural light and improve the overall look of the school. Don’t forget to check weather stripping and ensure doors and windows are properly sealed. Locks and hinges should also be inspected to make sure they’re functioning.
  • HVAC systems: Service HVAC units if needed and change filters, as well as test thermostats. You want a comfortable environment, as well as one free from allergens and dirty air.

3. Classrooms / Common Areas

Now for the specific areas that are used the most during the school year, starting with the classrooms themselves and other commonly used areas like storage and computer rooms. Here are the most common maintenance tasks in these areas:

  • Desks and chairs: Sanitization isn’t just ideal for horizontal surfaces. Desks, chairs and other frequently used surfaces all need to be sanitized to reduce the spread of germs. Also, check for damage in desks and chairs to ensure safety and comfort.
  • Technology and equipment: Dust and clean computers, tablets and other electronic devices, as well as other equipment like whiteboards and teaching aids.
  • Storage: Organize supplies to make them easy to find and dispose of unused items. It’s a good idea to do this regularly anyway so you eliminate clutter.

4. Restrooms

Besides the classrooms, the restrooms of your facility may be the No. 1 way to promote comfort and hygiene at your school. The summer is a good time for a deep cleaning of your restrooms, which should include disinfecting toilets and other fixtures, as well as scrubbing floors, walls and details like grout lines, which is where germs and dirt can accumulate. Finally, check dispensers and double check that supplies like toilet paper and paper towels are well-stocked and in order.

5. Safety and Security

One area of building maintenance you don’t want to forget is the safety and security of your school. While these hopefully aren’t used a lot, you want to ensure certain elements of your facility are in good working order should an emergency situation occur. Some specific examples of safety and security maintenance you can pursue include:

  • Fire safety: inspecting fire extinguishers, checking alarms and conducting drills.
  • Security systems: test alarms and cameras, verify proper lighting and ensure all components of your security system are up and running.

6. Preventative Maintenance

Finally, there are other maintenance tasks that can prevent small issues from becoming major problems down the road. Regular inspections can help here, especially if you have a routine you follow. Document and address issues, create a maintenance schedule and assign responsibilities as necessary. This includes every system in your school, from plumbing and electrical to structural components. Your janitorial team will know which areas to focus on the most.

Whether you need school maintenance and janitorial services before, during or after the school year, trust Fernic Building Solutions to give you the pristine environment you, your students and your faculty deserve. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote or consultation.