Cleaning is cleaning, right? Not exactly. Anyone who has been to more than one fast-food restaurant in their life, for example, will tell you that cleaning standards and methods can vary between establishments… and even between franchises within a chain. 

As a commercial cleaning company in Dallas-Fort Worth, we know this all too well.

In fact, there are distinct differences between cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting (and the cadence for each). Let’s go over these three popular types of cleaning for commercial businesses and key points for each of them.

Cleaning: The First Line of Defense

Most of us know what cleaning is, in a general sense at least. It’s the process of removing dirt, dust crumbs and germs from surfaces, usually involving soap (or detergent) and water to remove impurities and grime. While cleaning does not necessarily kill germs, it significantly reduces their numbers and the risk of spreading infection.

Key points: 

  • Purpose: remove visible dirt and debris.
  • Methods: dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping.
  • Products: soaps, detergents, water, cloths, sponges.

Sanitizing: Reducing Germs to Safe Levels

Sanitizing differs from cleaning in that it focuses on reducing the number of germs on surfaces to a safe level. So, what is considered “safe?” It depends on public health standards or requirements put forth by your industry. Either way, the process is especially important in foodservice environments, schools and anywhere else where reducing contamination is crucial.

Key points: 

  • Purpose: lower the number of germs.
  • Methods: chemical solutions, heat, steam.
  • Products: sanitizers, bleach solutions, alcohol-based cleaners.

Disinfecting: Eliminating Pathogens

Finally, disinfecting involves using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. While this process doesn’t necessarily clean the surface or remove germs, it does kill them and removing the killed germs can further lower the risk of spreading infection. Disinfecting is vital in healthcare settings, restrooms and other areas prone to pathogen growth.

Key points: 

  • Purpose: kill germs and pathogens.
  • Methods: applying EPA-approved disinfectants.
  • Products: disinfectants, quaternary ammonium compounds, bleach.

Whether you’re in need of cleaning, sanitizing or disinfecting services for your business, Fernic Building Solutions is here for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or get a no-obligation quote for your Dallas-Fort Worth business.