by Fernic, Inc. | Jul 5, 2023 | Building Maintenance Services
Ideally, there should be a priority list for tasks we have to do each day. Otherwise, everything can seem like it has the same importance level, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed and frustrated—especially if you don’t get to everything on your list. ...
by Fernic, Inc. | Jun 27, 2023 | Building Maintenance Checklist
What’s on your summer checklist? Getting an even tan? Improving your beach look? Visiting a destination you’ve thought about for a long time? We all have things to get done—personally and professionally—and the summertime is usually when our schedule is most flexible....
by Fernic, Inc. | Jun 20, 2023 | Full-Service Building Maintenance
Weddings are complicated events to coordinate. You have to hire one company for the flowers, another company for photos, another to cater the food… the list goes on. This is why many people opt for a wedding coordinator who takes care of everything. Similarly,...
by Fernic, Inc. | Jun 13, 2023 | Building Maintenance
“Why do today what you can do tomorrow?” This phrase has never been uttered by a forward-thinking person. But it is a common mantra for procrastinators! That being said, Dallas business owners can’t afford procrastination when it comes to building needs. Putting off...
by Fernic, Inc. | Feb 28, 2023 | Cleaning Building Windows - Best Practices, Windows
There’s a right way to do things… and a wrong way. Not following a baking recipe when you have little experience is an example of the latter. Following a recipe (or better yet, hiring a professional baker) is a much better route to take. The same thing applies...