by Fernic, Inc. | Nov 28, 2023 | Building Maintenance, Cold Weather Maintenance
As we head into cooler weather, it’s important to complete certain maintenance tasks for your business. While stocking up on your hot cocoa supply and ensuring everyone in the office has warm beanies is important, there are more crucial things to think about for...
by Fernic, Inc. | Nov 17, 2023 | Office Cleaning
The question: how often do you schedule an office cleaning? The answer: yes. In all seriousness, there are different types of office cleaning tasks that must be done regularly and they need to be scheduled at different cadences for consistency and effectiveness. ...
by Fernic, Inc. | Oct 11, 2023 | Cleaning Building Windows - Best Practices
How do professional window cleaning companies get commercial building windows to look so good? The only way to find out is to hear from them directly. Fortunately, we happen to be one of the best commercial window cleaning companies in Dallas-Fort Worth and have seen...
by Fernic, Inc. | Oct 4, 2023 | Construction Cleaning Service
If you told someone that a company cleans up after you at work, they might not believe it. After all, it’s not like anyone is cleaning up after most of us—even at home! (Though that would be nice.) But this is the reality of post-construction cleaning services. Hiring...
by Fernic, Inc. | Sep 27, 2023 | Commercial Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning Service
It’s difficult to tell the difference between certain things. For example, do you know the difference between peaches and nectarines? While nearly the same genetically, peaches have fuzzy skin while nectarines do not. The same can apply to commercial building...
by Fernic, Inc. | Sep 20, 2023 | Commercial Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning Service
Add “power” to another word and it immediately becomes more intimidating. (Power gloves, superpower and powerhouse all come to mind.) What shouldn’t be intimidating—for Dallas-Fort Worth business owners at least—is power washing. Commercial power washing, also known...
by Fernic, Inc. | Sep 15, 2023 | Building Maintenance Checklist
Why are the seasons such a big deal? Because they impact our daily lives. Factors like temperature, precipitation, ice, heat and natural disasters present various risks to us, our belongings and our properties. Commercial building maintenance is no different—the needs...
by Fernic, Inc. | Aug 2, 2023 | Building Maintenance Services
Business owners have so many elements of their business to think about, from revenue and profits to employee satisfaction and product quality. Building maintenance is easy to overlook, especially if it involves something you don’t use or see every day. This is why...
by Fernic, Inc. | Jul 26, 2023 | Dallas Commercial Cleaning Best Practices
You have a lot of options when it comes to Dallas commercial cleaning companies. Some are reputable, some aren’t. Reviews can tell you a lot about a cleaning company, but how can you make sure they’re doing a good job and you’re getting your money’s worth? If...
by Fernic, Inc. | Jul 19, 2023 | Commercial Cleaning Service, Difference Between Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services
Are all cleaning companies the same? No, for a number of reasons. Most obvious is the commercial cleaning and residential cleaning distinction and just how important it is to find a company that specializes in the one you need. There are other differences between...